The Ultimate Guide to Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation

The Fiddle Leaf Fig, or Ficus lyrata, has taken the world of interior design and plant enthusiasts by storm. With its large, violin-shaped leaves and statuesque presence, it’s no wonder that this lush green beauty is often the centrepiece in stylish homes and offices. Native to the tropical rainforests of West Africa, the Fiddle Leaf Fig has adapted remarkably well to indoor environments, making it a beloved houseplant across the globe.

Lush Fiddle leaf fig in front of a bight window

But what if you could have more of these gorgeous plants without having to buy them? That’s where propagation comes into play! Propagation is the process of creating new plants from an existing one. Not only is this an economical way to expand your indoor jungle, but it’s also incredibly rewarding to watch a cutting grow into a thriving plant.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the steps of propagating your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or new to the green scene, you’ll find this guide packed with useful tips to help your Ficus lyrata flourish through propagation.

Let’s dive into the green world of Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation!

What is Propagation?

Propagation, in the realm of horticulture, is the process of creating new plants from various sources - seeds, cuttings, bulbs, or other plant parts. It's like giving birth to a new plant from an existing one. There are several methods of propagation, but in this guide, we'll focus on propagation through cuttings, which is the most common method for Fiddle Leaf Figs.

But why propagate your Fiddle Leaf Fig? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Multiply Your Collection: Propagation allows you to create multiple plants from a single Fiddle Leaf Fig. This means you can have more of these beauties gracing your space without the need to purchase new ones.

  2. Share the Love: A propagated Fiddle Leaf Fig makes a thoughtful and personal gift for friends and family. It’s a piece of your own garden that you can share with others.

  3. Revive and Rejuvenate: Sometimes, Fiddle Leaf Figs can become leggy or overgrown. Propagation allows you to trim and rejuvenate the plant, encouraging new growth and a more balanced shape.

  4. Experiment and Learn: Propagation is a hands-on learning experience. It’s an opportunity to understand plant biology and growth, and there’s a sense of accomplishment in seeing a cutting grow into a thriving plant.

  5. Sustainable Gardening: By propagating your plants, you’re engaging in sustainable gardening practices. It’s an eco-friendly way to expand your plant collection without contributing to over-harvesting or excessive production.

Now that you know what propagation is and why it’s beneficial, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of when and how to propagate your Fiddle Leaf Fig!

When to Propagate Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Timing is key when it comes to propagating your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Choosing the right moment ensures that your cuttings have the best chance of developing roots and growing into healthy plants.

Fiddle leaf fig cuttings propagating in glass jars in front of a bight window

Best Time of the Year for Propagation

The ideal time to propagate your Fiddle Leaf Fig is during the late spring to early summer. During this period, the plant is in its active growing phase, and the warmer temperatures and increased sunlight provide the optimal conditions for root development. Propagating during this time frame will give your cuttings a head start, as the plant’s natural growth hormones are at their peak.

Signs That Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Ready for Propagation

Before taking cuttings, it’s important to ensure that your Fiddle Leaf Fig is healthy and mature enough for propagation. Here are some signs to look for:

  1. New Growth: If your Fiddle Leaf Fig is producing new leaves, it’s a good indication that it’s in an active growth phase and is healthy enough for propagation.

  2. Mature Leaves: Look for stems with mature leaves. These are typically stronger and have more stored energy, which is beneficial for root development.

  3. Overall Health: The plant should be free of pests and diseases. Check for vibrant, green leaves and a sturdy stem. Avoid propagating a plant that shows signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves or weak growth.

  4. Sufficient Size: Your Fiddle Leaf Fig should be large enough that taking a cutting won’t harm or unbalance the parent plant. Ensure that there are enough leaves remaining on the parent plant to sustain its growth.

Materials Needed for Propagation

Before you start the propagation process, it’s important to gather all the materials you’ll need. Having everything on hand will make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Here’s a list of materials you’ll need for propagating your Fiddle Leaf Fig:

  1. Sharp Scissors or Pruning Shears: To make a clean cut on the stem or leaf you’re going to propagate. Make sure they are clean and sharp to avoid damaging the plant and to minimize the risk of infection.

  2. Potting Mix: A well-draining potting mix is essential. You can use a mix designed for Fiddle Leaf Figs or make your own by combining potting soil with perlite for added drainage.

  3. Containers or Pots: You’ll need small pots or containers with drainage holes for planting your cuttings. They should be clean and have enough depth to support the developing roots.

  4. Rooting Hormone (Optional): While not necessary, rooting hormone can encourage faster root development. It’s available in powder or liquid form.

  5. Clear Plastic Bags or Wrap: To create a humid environment for the cuttings, which helps to encourage root growth.

  6. Water: For watering the cuttings and keeping the soil moist.

  7. A Bright Space: Choose a location with bright, indirect light for your cuttings to grow. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the young plants.

  8. Fuliage's Organic Liquid Plant Food: Once your cuttings have rooted and started to grow, this plant food will provide them with the necessary nutrients for healthy development.

  9. Labels and Marker (Optional): If you’re propagating multiple cuttings, it’s helpful to label them with the date and any other relevant information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Propagating Fiddle Leaf Fig

Now that you have all your materials ready, let’s get started with the exciting process of propagating your Fiddle Leaf Fig!

Step 1: Selecting a Stem or Leaf for Propagation

  • Look for a healthy, mature stem with several leaves. The stem should be green and firm, indicating that it’s capable of producing new roots.
  • If you’re propagating a leaf, choose a mature, healthy leaf attached to a small section of the stem.

Step 2: Making the Cut

  • Using sharp scissors or pruning shears, make a clean cut about 4-6 inches down from the tip of the stem. If you’re propagating a leaf, make sure a small section of the stem is attached.
  • Make the cut just above a leaf node (the area where a leaf attaches to the stem), as this is where new roots are most likely to develop.

Step 3: Rooting the Cutting

  • Water Rooting: Place the cutting in a container of water, making sure the cut end is submerged. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh.
  • Soil Rooting: Dip the cut end in rooting hormone (optional), then plant it in a pot with well-draining potting mix. Water it lightly.

Step 4: Planting the Cutting

  • Once the cutting has developed roots (this can take several weeks), it’s time to plant it in soil (if you used water rooting).
  • Plant the cutting in a pot with fresh, well-draining potting mix. Make sure the roots are covered by the soil.

Step 5: Caring for the New Plant

  • Place the new plant in a bright location with indirect sunlight.
  • Keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid overwatering.
  • To help your new Fiddle Leaf Fig thrive, use Fuliage's Organic Liquid Plant Food. This plant food provides essential nutrients and growth hormones that will encourage healthy development.
  • Monitor the plant for any signs of stress or pests, and address them promptly.

For more detailed care tips for your new Fiddle Leaf Fig, check out our comprehensive Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide.

Tips for Successful Propagation

Propagation is an exciting journey, but it can also be a delicate process. Here are some best practices and tips to ensure that your Fiddle Leaf Fig cuttings root successfully and grow into healthy plants:

  1. Use Clean Tools: Before making any cuts, ensure that your scissors or pruning shears are clean and sharp. This minimizes the risk of infection and ensures a clean cut, which is important for the cutting’s health.

  2. Monitor Water Quality: If you’re using the water rooting method, make sure to change the water every few days to keep it fresh and free of bacteria. This encourages healthy root development.

  3. Maintain Humidity: Fiddle Leaf Figs love humidity. Create a humid environment for your cuttings by covering them with a clear plastic bag or wrap. This mimics the tropical environment they are native to.

  4. Be Patient: Propagation takes time. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see roots developing immediately. It can take several weeks for roots to form.

  5. Avoid Overwatering: Once your cutting is planted in soil, be mindful not to overwater it. Too much water can lead to root rot. Keep the soil slightly moist, but not soggy.

  6. Use Fuliage's Plant Wellness Foliage Spray: During the propagation process, it’s important to keep your cuttings healthy. Fuliage's Plant Wellness Foliage Spray is excellent for preventing pests and keeping the plant healthy. It’s made from cold-processed Neem oil, which is natural and effective.

  7. Provide Indirect Light: Place your cuttings in a bright location, but avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the young plants. Indirect light is best for encouraging growth.

  8. Gradually Acclimate to New Environment: Once your cutting has rooted and is ready to be planted, gradually acclimate it to its new environment to reduce shock. Start by placing it in a sheltered location and gradually move it to its final spot over a week or two.

Remember, propagation is as much an art as it is a science. Each cutting is unique, and success can vary. Enjoy the process, learn from it, and celebrate when you see those first roots emerging!

Troubleshooting Propagation Issues

Propagation is a rewarding process, but like any gardening endeavor, it can come with its share of challenges. Here are some common issues you might face during the propagation of your Fiddle Leaf Fig and tips on how to resolve them:

  1. No Root Development

    • Possible Cause: The cutting was taken during the plant’s dormant period.
    • Solution: Ensure that cuttings are taken during the active growing season (late spring to early summer) when the plant’s natural growth hormones are at their peak.
  2. Cutting Wilting or Turning Yellow

    • Possible Cause: Insufficient humidity or overwatering.
    • Solution: Create a humid environment by covering the cutting with a clear plastic bag or wrap. If the soil is too wet, reduce the frequency of watering.
  3. Root Rot in Water Rooting

    • Possible Cause: The water is not changed frequently enough, leading to bacterial growth.
    • Solution: Change the water every few days and ensure the container is clean.
  4. Cutting Becomes Soft and Mushy

    • Possible Cause: Fungal or bacterial infection.
    • Solution: Unfortunately, once a cutting is infected, it’s difficult to save. It’s best to discard it and start with a new, healthy cutting. Ensure that all tools are clean and that the cutting is placed in a clean environment.
  5. Leaves Falling Off the Cutting

    • Possible Cause: The cutting is under stress, possibly due to insufficient light or extreme temperatures.
    • Solution: Place the cutting in a bright location with indirect sunlight and ensure that it’s kept at a consistent temperature.
  6. Pests on the Cutting

    • Possible Cause: The cutting was infested before propagation or pests were introduced during the process.
    • Solution: Use Fuliage's Plant Wellness Foliage Spray to treat the cutting. This spray is made from cold-processed Neem oil and is effective in keeping pests at bay.

Don’t be disheartened if you face challenges along the way. With patience, practice, and the right care, you can successfully propagate your Fiddle Leaf Fig and enjoy the rewards of your gardening efforts!


You’ve made it to the end of our Ultimate Guide to Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation! We hope this guide has inspired you to embark on the exciting journey of propagation. Whether you’re looking to expand your indoor jungle, share a piece of your garden with friends, or simply engage in a rewarding horticultural experience, propagation offers endless possibilities.

Remember, the key to successful propagation lies in patience, attention to detail, and the use of quality products. Fuliage's Organic Liquid Plant Food and Plant Wellness Foliage Spray are excellent companions in this journey, ensuring that your new Fiddle Leaf Figs receive the nutrients and care they need to thrive.

So, grab your gardening tools, choose a healthy cutting, and dive into the world of propagation. Your Fiddle Leaf Fig family is waiting to grow!

Happy Propagating!

Further Reading

For more detailed care tips for your new Fiddle Leaf Fig and to ensure it thrives in its new environment, check out our comprehensive Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide.

To troubleshoot Common Fiddle Leaf Fig problems, check out our comprehensive Troubleshooting Common Fiddle Leaf Fig Problems blog.